Monthly Archives: October 2018

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Combination Life and Long Term Care Insurance with Lifetime Benefits for a Couple


Combination (Combo or Hybrid or Linked Benefits or Asset Based) Life and Long Term Care (LTC) Insurance policies provide long term care benefits if you need long term care or a death benefit if you die without needing long term care; or both. Combination Life and Long Term Care Insurance policies provide guaranteed benefits with [...]

Combination Life and Long Term Care Insurance with Lifetime Benefits for a Couple 2018-10-15T20:32:56-04:00

Retirement planning for middle-income workers – CBS News


 Retirement planning for middle-income workers - CBS News Making Retirement Savings Easier Automate Savings and Investment Plans Increase Contributions By Small Amounts Establish the habit and build on it How to get your retirement going? Be Incremental. Start early, take small steps forward each year. Delaying Retirement Years Worked Beyond Age 62 Retirement [...]

Retirement planning for middle-income workers – CBS News 2018-10-13T14:47:26-04:00

Saving More, Working Less – CNBC


 Saving More, Working Less If you’re planning to retire in your sixties, but your nest egg isn’t ready yet, what’s the best money strategy? Should you turbocharge your savings now, or work longer? Senior Personal Financial Correspondent Sharon Epperson runs the numbers on which option could best help your retirement goals. [...]

Saving More, Working Less – CNBC 2018-10-13T14:51:01-04:00

This Is What Medicare Does and Doesn’t Cover – CNBC – 05/10/2018


 One of the great things about turning 65 is that you finally qualify for Medicare. That's not the end of the story but rather just the beginning. Medicare offers a myriad of choices, some of which you only have one chance at so it pays to do your homework.

This Is What Medicare Does and Doesn’t Cover – CNBC – 05/10/2018 2018-10-13T14:53:07-04:00

What is your plan for long term care?


More than half of the 65 year olds need paid long term care for a while. The out of pocket costs average $140,000 if you are uninsured. Unfortunately, it becomes much harder to qualify for the LTC insurance if you are over 60. Talk to us and find out how to protect yourself now. [...]

What is your plan for long term care? 2018-10-13T15:33:24-04:00

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